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Cleaning the kidneys according to Dr. Huldy Clark

1/2 cup of hydrangea root

1/2 cup of soot root,

1/2 cup marshmallow root,

4 handfuls of fresh green parsley,

goldenrod tincture (Solidago - do not add if you are allergic to it),

ginger capsules,

bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) capsules,

vegetable glycerin,

220 g of black cherry concentrate,

vitamin B6 (250 mg),

magnesium oxide in tablets (300 mg),

Measure out 1/4 cup of each root and soak it in 10 cups of cold tap water using a non-metallic container with a lid (a plate may be). After 4 hours (or overnight), add the black cherry concentrate, bring to a boil and leave it on low heat for 20 minutes. Drink 1/4 cup when the liquid is sufficiently chilled. Pour the rest through a non-metallic colander into a sterilized 0.5 liter (glass) jar and several freezerable containers. Store the jar in the refrigerator.

Rinse the parsley and cook for 3 minutes in 1 liter of water. Drink 1/4 cup of the cooled liquid. Put 1/2 liter in the fridge and the other half in the freezer. Discard overcooked pieces of parsley.

Dosage: Mix 3/4 cup of root infusion with 1/2 cup of parsley water in a large cup each morning. Add 20 drops of goldenrod tincture and 1 tablespoon of glycerin. Drink the mixture in small doses throughout the day. Store at low temperature. Don't drink it all at once, or your stomach will hurt and you will feel pressure on your bladder. If you have a sensitive stomach, start with half the dose a day.

After first cooking, store the roots in the freezer. After 13 days, when the stocks are low, boil the same roots again, but this time in 6 glasses of water. Cook them for only 10 minutes. Now you have enough of this for the next 8 days (including the previous cooking - 3 weeks). You can use the same roots a third time if you wish, but then the recipe will be less effective. If you have severe kidney problems, use the same roots only twice.

Use fresh herbs again after three weeks. The results of kidney cleansing are visible only after six weeks of using these herbs, and in severe cases you have to wait a little longer for them.

Also take:

  • ginger capsules: 1 with each meal (3 daily),

  • Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) capsules: one for breakfast and two for dinner,

  • vitamin B6 (250 mg): once a day,

  • magnesium oxide (300 mg): once a day.

Take these supplements just before eating to avoid belching.

Recipe Notes: Both the herbs and parsley infusion are perishable. Boil them every 4 days (when refrigerated). This will ensure sterilization. If you boil your herbs in the morning, you can take them to work (in a glass jar) without refrigerating them.

Be careful when you order herbs! Not all suppliers present the same quality standard. The roots should have a strong smell. If the ones you buy have a weak aroma, they have lost their properties; change provider. Use fresh herbs. Do not use powdered roots.

There are probably dozens of herbs that dissolve kidney stones and crystals. If you can only get a few of the herbs listed in the recipe, prepare it anyway. It will just take a little longer for you to notice an improvement. Remember that vitamin B6 and magnesium taken daily can prevent oxalate stones from forming, but only if you stop drinking your tea. Tea contains 15.6 mg of oxalic acid per glass * . A tall glass of ice tea can contain about 20 mg of oxalic acid. Switch to herbal teas. Cocoa and chocolate also have too much oxalic acid.

Also, remember that phosphate crystals form when excess phosphate is consumed. Phosphate levels are high in meat, bread, groats and cereals, pasta and carbonated drinks. Limit your intake of these foods and increase the proportion of milk (2% fat), fruits and vegetables in your diet. Drink at least 1 liter of water a day.

âš  Perform kidney cleansing at least twice a year.

You can dissolve all kidney stones in 3 weeks and produce new ones in 3 days if you drink tea, cocoa and phosphorus-containing drinks. None of the drinks listed in the recipes in this section will form stones.

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